Health and Safety

The Maldives is distinguished as a serene paradise on earth due to the peacefulness it offers. Consistently the Maldivian authorities implement necessary measures regarding health and safety of the visitors.

On arrival to the Maldives, visitors will be obliged to fill an immigration form in which declarations of health should be made for the authorities to take required actions.


Before arriving to the Maldives it is important to subscribe for adequate insurance that covers for medical emergencies. Your insurance details and emergency contact numbers should be brought with you when visiting the Maldives.


The Maldives is generally a disease free country with only the occasional bouts of dengue fever outbreaks. However, resort islands are not affected by dengue outbreaks.

The only vaccinations required for the visitors are the yellow fever and cholera vaccine. The yellow fever and cholera vaccine are also only required for tourists arriving from a region where these diseases are endemic.


The sun bestows a lot of pleasure to the visitors, but it might also strike some displeasure if you are not careful. The equatorial sun emits dangerous ultraviolet rays at midday. If you are sunbathing when the sun is hot and bright, always apply sun protection lotion or cream. You can acquire such protective lotions from the resort shops.

Overexposure to the sun might result in dangerous sunburn and heatstroke. It is also advisable to wear a sunglass to protect your eyes. Always drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated. Do remember to get a nice Maldivian tan, but not a bad sunburn!

Water Risks

Necessary precautions and measures are in place to avoid unfortunate accidents in the water. Always follow the instructions provided by your instructors when you go for diving or any other water related activity.

If you are going for snorkelling do remember to take necessary precautions. Snorkelling is one of easiest ways to explore the underwater life present in the house reef of your resort. Before starting your snorkelling adventure, you must test the simple snorkelling gears to see whether you are comfortable in them.

Always be wary of changing water current and wind. Never drift further away from the lagoon or boat while snorkelling. The reefs are delicate environments so you should never touch the corals, shells and fish as it involves unnecessary risks and may cause damage to the reef.

It is advisable to use life jackets while at sea. Resort islands will provide such safety gears and lifeguard services.

It is advisable to use life jackets while at sea. Resort islands will provide such safety gears and lifeguard services.

Healthcare Facilities

Modern primary health care facilities are available in the Maldives. Practically all the resort islands provide the services of a resident doctor and first-aid services as required by the law. Health Centres and Hospitals located in the atolls can attend to non-serious medical issues.

Two prominent hospitals in the Maldives are located in the Capital Male’. Namely the State run Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) and the privately owned ADK hospital. Specialist doctors and clinics are also operated in the Capital City.

The Maldives Coast Guard and Seaplane services will facilitate evacuation of tourists who require emergency treatment from the Capital City or abroad.

State-of-the-art Hyperbaric Chamber or Decompression Chamber services are available for dive related emergencies. Such Hyperbaric Chambers are established in six different resort islands located in various parts of the country.

Personal Safety

The Maldives is a relatively crime free country. Theft and burglaries in resorts are very rare. However, it is advisable to keep your room and personal belongings safely locked away.